In today’s world no two individual are able to devote their time to one another. Everyone is busy solving their own issues. People are not able to express their emotions freely and all these repressed emotions gives rise to many other problems. People now-a-days hire counselors for the purpose of releasing their negative emotions. We as humans are social beings and require the other person’s support, time, and understanding. Everyone requires a person to whom they can freely express their emotions but absence of that person in one’s life may result in developing emotional problems.
Emotional quotient refers to the degree of a person handling one’s feelings and emotions and respecting other person’s feelings as well without being biased. Lack of emotional stability will lead to different problems such as stress, trust issues, acting out impulsively, relationship issues, physical ailments etc.
Thus, we can conclude that, ‘emotional intelligence is the difference that makes a difference’.
-Manvi Isher
Gratitude is a trait that is directly related to one’s happiness. One might think that once one is happy, he or she will feel grateful, but think again. It is gratefulness that makes an individual happy.
Three steps to gratitude-
Emote- The primary step is to feel gratitude towards others. For example, when somebody does something nice for you, or helps you, you feel grateful towards them.
Extent- The second step is to extent or express your feeling of gratefulness to the other person. For example, after feeling grateful to somebody’s good deed towards you, you tell them about your feeling of gratefulness.
Exercise-The third step is to repeat the first two steps in our everyday lives or that gratitude becomes our strength.
-Pearl Bhogal
Our brain consists of two hemispheres. These two hemispheres are called as Left Brain and Right Brain. The right brain absorbs new information in parts and left brain sort out it in organized manner. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and left brain controls the right side of the body. Both the parts are always in function but there is always a dominated part of the brain in every person.
Right brained people are creative and tend to throw the rules out of the window. They are very much artistic and look for different ways to express themselves. According, to various researches done by various psychologists, right brained people are very rare. Right brained people have holistic thought, have higher imagination and have more music awareness. Right brain dominated people are often poor spellers as they tend to rely more on their institution rather than actually studying the order in which the letter in a word.
Left Brained people have systematic and tend to follow rules. They reach a logical conclusion after analysing everything and are good in calculations and number skills. It is sometimes called as Logical/Analytical brain.
Our Indian education system is designed in such a way that it mostly focuses on left brain rather than focusing on right brain. If right brained activities are not exercised, they are more likely to respond to formal learning.
-Ayushi Vasudeva
Life satisfaction is a personal measure of contentment with life experiences, relationship with others, self-worth, achievements in life and acceptance of one's life situations. Life satisfaction is a multidimensional judgment of overall life experiences and this judgment is totally up to the person, the way he or she perceives their life situation and how meaningful is his or her life. Life Satisfaction does not depend upon how long one lives rather it depends on much content a person feels from their life. Usually the people who have a positive view of their own life have an optimal life satisfaction.
According to Indian Philosophy, Satisfied life is a product of three elements. First element is establishment of positive and depth relationships. Second is determination to attain goal and achieve success and meet the urges and needs of life and last is having rational beliefs and striving for attainable goals. In other words, the third element is having beliefs that are in line with real life and are not irrational and unattainable. There are various factors which affect life satisfaction like mental and physical health, education, coping abilities, emotions, economic status, marital status, career choices, social relationships, and many more.
-Divneep Kaur Grewal
IKIGAI is basically the secret to a long and happy life. It is essentially a reason to get up in the morning. For dancers, dancing is their IKIGAI, for actors, acting is their IKIGAI and for some going to social gatherings or parties is their IKIGAI. In order to discover ones IKIGAI one should stop thinking and start doing their work. Some of the best examples are of Mark Zuckerberg, Alexander the great, Malala Yousafzai. Another way is to accept that setbacks are normal, the best example for this are Jack Ma, Amitabh Bachan, Dhirubhai Ambani, Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
The people of Japan are known to practice IKIGAI. They perform various exercises and follow a proper diet in order to discover their IKIGAI. They also practice Logo Therapy which is finding meaning in your life. Lack of meaning in life may lead to stress and anxiety. This is one of the reasons Japanese people live longer.
The people of Okinawa also practice Yuimaru which is “warm-hearted and friendly cooperative effort”. In this whenever a neighbour needs help with repairing his roof or celebrating a special occasion, many people come together to help in the effort.
All these practices help in discovering four basics which makes the life of a person worthwhile, which are:-
- What one loves(love).
- What the world needs(needs).
- What one can be paid for(money).
- What one is good for(skills).
-Manvi Isher
It’s the ability to recognize and understand our own emotions. People with this skill can identify small differences in their emotions and are aware of how their emotions impact their behavior, performance, and decisions. You can only change things that are happening in your mind if you’re aware of them. Emotional self-awareness provides insights into your world so you can benefit from the changes you make. For example, you can benefit from learning who you are and how your buttons are pushed by different things.
Moreover, emotional self-awareness enables you to perceive circumstances when feelings like dread, disappointment, and outrage begin to control you. These feelings are clearly negative for your happiness..
Therefore, it’s critical to understand how your emotions will likely react to negative events. You then will know what exactly triggers your emotional reactions.
Did you know that 40% of your happiness is a result of your personal outlook?
Being aware of your own emotions is a vital step towards happiness.
Now, you should know that you can take control of your thoughts and emotions! And this skill is called emotional self-awareness. As you now know, this skill can help us respond appropriately to any situation we’re in. When you recognize and understand your feelings/emotions better, you can also understand your thoughts and actions better. This prevents destructive results from inappropriate responses.
-Shaily Bhushan
Every individual is unique and possess different abilities, skills set, potentials and will to perform a task. Everyone has their own way to face difficult situations and individualized mind sets as well. For instance, facing a similar situation one individual may use their logical mind set to solve the issue whereas the other individual may use their creative mind set. Thus, one should respect the individuality of every person.
In the earlier times people used to have a belief that a child who is good in studies will be successful. Parents used to pressurize their children to study for longer periods of time and the ones who didn’t wanted to study were scolded. But with the passing time parents as well as the school authorities have realized the importance of acknowledging creative mind set as well. Now they encourage the child to strengthen their innate abilities and achieve perfection in them.
As a responsible member of the society it is our responsibility to encourage and respect whatever talent or ability the other person possesses. Even the twins have individual differences. If you are a parent, then it is your responsibility to provide proper guidance and support to the child in exploring their hidden abilities and in the enhancement of their skills. Focusing only on the development of the theoretical knowledge doesn’t end the job. The awareness of one’s abilities, skills is as important as having the educational knowledge. Similarly, the school authorities have the responsibility to perform the same function by providing different opportunities to the students where they can explore their limits and get proper training to enhance their skills.
Thus, we should realize the fact that every individual is different, every individual has a different role to play and every individual matters.
-Manvi Isher
Exam pressure can influence anybody. You may be stressed over doing what's needed modification, getting the evaluations you need or feel pressure from your school or family. It can appear to be startling to discuss pressure or tension. You may feel like no one else is feeling along this way. Be that as it may, suppressing pressure and attempting to manage it all alone can frequently aggravate the pressure. So it can truly assist with talking. Discussing how you're feeling can diminish the weight and help you to feel more in charge. Or on the other hand it can assist somebody with understanding that they may be squeezing you.
Regardless of how much work you need to do, it's critical to take ordinary breaks and discover approaches to unwind. Taking a break can leave you feeling progressively ready to adapt, and even make it simpler to think when you begin working once more. It may be extremely attempting to remain calm when you have a great deal of work to do. In any case, there are little things you can do each day to enable you to adapt:
Eat steadily: Make sure you don't skip meals and attempt to eat well suppers.
Exercise: Exercising can clear your brain and give you more vitality, you could play sports, go for a run or do some yoga. Get more guidance on game and exercise.
Self-care: Taking consideration implies discovering things that help you to feel without a care in the world, this could mean taking a brief break or getting some rest.
Getting enough rest/sleep can assist you with concentrating more and feel less pushed. It may be enticing to keep awake until late, yet in some cases this can cause you to feel considerably progressively pushed.
At the point when you're revising before exam, recall:
- Choose when you're going to quit revising and don't drive yourself to remain up late at night.
- Keep away from caffeine, particularly at night.
- Give yourself an opportunity to unwind after you quit modifying.
- Eat promptly at night.
- Try not to keep awake in bed with your phone.
Exams can feel like a great deal of stress. You may require certain evaluations for a course or occupation. Or then again your folks, careers or instructors may be pressurizing you. You may be squeezing yourself also. Regardless of where the stress is coming from, there are approaches to enable you to adapt:
Think Positively! Be honest about how you feel! Don’t compare yourself to your friends!
Let your stress out and give your best!!
-Shaily Bhushan
Dermatoglyphics is the investigation of ridge patterns of the skin. It's a logical investigation of unique mark designs and help in personal identification.
Sir Francis Galton directed broad research on the significance of ridge patterns, showing their permanence and propelling the study of unique finger impressions with his 1892 book Fingerprints.
In 1929, Harold Cummins and Charles Midlo M.D., together with others, distributed the powerful book Fingerprints, Palms and Soles, a book in the field of dermatoglyphics.
Identifying Personality: By registering and dissecting fingerprints, the character of an individual can be recognized. These prints will not change once they get formed. This natural uniqueness assists with characterizing the genuine nature of a person.
Identifying appropriate learning style: Enables children to adapt and learn effectively as helps to choose reasonable learning style and technique.
Identifying Multiple Intelligence: Helps in understanding one's various insights uniquely.
Recognizing Acquiring Sensitivity: Helps in understanding whether child is propelled characteristically, persuaded outwardly, motivated by speculation or by performing extraordinarily.
Comprehensive: Accurately comprehend one's multiple intelligences, qualities and shortcomings, and the best learning style.
Objectivity: Unbiased towards social foundation, results are not influenced by environment, wellbeing, emotional components.
Stability: Reliable hereditary information as fingerprints never change.
No age limit: Age extend from 3yrs to lifetime Simple: Simple helpful, no unfriendly impacts, not including any inquiries.
Simple: Easy, appropriate, no unfavourable effects, not involving any questions.
-Jagriti Parmar
As a human being we need to socialize with others. One cannot live in isolation. Everyone is dependent on the other for the fulfilment of their needs and desires. As the child grows, he learns different things, he achieves different developmental milestones. Social and emotional development is one of them.
Family is the first institution where a child starts to learn and gain new experiences. Every parent wants their child to stay safe. With time the child learns to stand, walk, run on his own and starts exploring the surroundings. Parents always try to take care of the conditions under which the child is experiencing things. They always try to make sure whether the surroundings are safe for the child or not.
Similarly, the values which are being leaned by the child at school are also taken care of. Parents always make sure whether the child is in good company or not, whether he is learning appropriate things or not. Parents rely on the school authorities for keeping a check on their child’s learning activities. In order to enhance the social and emotional values of children, the school authorities can use the following strategies: -
- Teach the child to greet everyone they meet in the school and on their way back to their home as well.
- Make them work in groups. This will help in building trust, loyalty, co-operation.
- Make the child list down two complimenting things about their class-mates.
- Make the child understand that it’s okay if someone disagrees with their explanation. Everyone has their own opinions and one should respect their opinions as well.
- Practice role-plays, where the situation requires the child to act socially or emotionally. For instance, someone is new in the school and you see them sitting alone in the lunch-break. What will you do?
-Manvi Isher
There is a proverb “It takes a Village to raise a child” which clearly means the whole community has an essential role to play in the growth and development of its young people. Parent involvement in education is crucial. No matter their income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behaviour, and adapt well to school.
Parents should get involved in their children's learning through:
- Becoming part of school boards
- Being concerned about their children's academic performance
- Showing dedication in their children's learning
Parental Engagement is a significant element in education and can also be achieved through home-based parental engagement like listening to the child as they read, helping them in completing their homework as well as school-based activities, which include attending parents meeting and education workshops.
Parents should also be involved in children’s sports activities, as this would improve achievements and serve as motivation.
Barriers to Parental Engagement
Today’s parents are preoccupied with the distractions and demands of their daily life. Some of them are:
- Burdened by low-income.
- Increased work hours.
- Language barriers.
- Insufficient financial resources.
- Lack of educational attainment.
-Ayushi Vasudeva

In today’s time, why is a human being unable to help another human being in their time of need, in most cases? Are they low on Altruism, compassion, kindness, benevolence, humanity, etc? In most cases, it is not that the individual lacks the above traits, but due to an occurring known as The Bystander’s Effect.
Bystander’s effect also known as Genovese Syndrome, after a woman named Kitty Genovese who was stabbed to death by a man named Winston Moseley in New York City, 1964. After the death of Kitty, it was widely studied by psychologists all over the world, that even though when kitty was getting attacked, several of her neighbors had heard her scream and ask for help. The murderer left and even returned ten minutes later, but the neighbors failed to report the incident to the police on time. This is known as Bystander’s Effect where a person is less likely to help or offer help to a victim in the presence of other people. The greater the number of people the less likely they are to offer any help.
John Darley and Bibb Latane, two social psychologists, conducted a series of experiments following the murder of Genovese. In one experiment, first it is seen a single person sitting in a room which is being filled in a room, followed by a group of people sitting in a room where smoke is being filled. It was seen that the single person went out of the room to ask for help whereas in the other scenario people just kept sitting in their places unable to react as they thought it was how the room was supposed to be as nobody else was reacting.
In an emergency situation, people tend to help when there are few or no other witnesses around. The presence of others creates a Diffusion of responsibility, where everybody will think that the other person will help the victim.
A way to prevent this situation is that when in an emergency situation, one should try to understand how the Bystander’s Effect might have affected their tendency to act and then consciously take steps to overcome it.
- Pearl Bhogal